I realised that so many people were born in august
some very important person to me are all celebrating their birthday in this month
so mean this is the month my wallet will shrink...
One of the very important person in my life is my best best boy friend
it has been years since we know each other
and been thru so many complicated affair
But we will always be close no matter how far we may be from each other, right?
and of coz not to forget bout debby, we 3 stick together, always
i can still recall those moments when i used to follow after you two, caused u guys no time to paktoh hehe
ok lah, enough of emo-flash back
on the 15th of august, the day before his actual birthday
theres a liltle surprising party prepared for the birthday boy,
but whenever there is this surprise-things-going-on,
someone will just ruin it
aiz, why just cant be cooperate with others
wasted everyones effort
but party went smooth overall
Debby holding the cake out, but the workers there hor, switch off the light too early liaw lar
candles pun belum ready
aiz aiz, dissapointed again

me and the birthday boy

the second surprise from debby
she insisted to work at her mum office for a month, and burberry is the reason why.

smile boy smile~

lol i like this picture
so unanimous
so many people were there just for you daniel tee
know how attractive you are now? hahaha
anywhere, happy birthday again, dreams come true.