KL one day trip!
one day sounds horrible right i know, but surprisingly, i weren't so tired as i thot i will be.
Maybe were trained enough! haha
So speaks about Kuala Lumpur, we went to this pavilion and mid valley.
Both disappointed me, especially mid valley.
I thot pavilion will be like Ion, and Mid valley, ok i didn expect much for mid valley also, but it is worst than sunway pyramid! (in my opinion)
Mid valley is too, hmmm, crowded and stuffy, and the mall doesnt look attractive to me ==
And pavilion, altho less than i expect, but still, i cant deny that its a very great shopping place. feels clean and comfortable shopping there
...BUT, i still prefer Orchard Rd. =D
Pictures of the day

we brought TWO gps! incase we were lost!
KL roads are very Terrible!
Using both Gps at the same time really help tho, i think we just got lost once or twice only

Mid valley!

As for dinner, we went to this La Risata, because im craving for spaghetti
But, duno whether my expectation is too high or wat,
their spaghetti was good, but their spaghetti sauce, speechless, it was like "yuck"
first few bites still ok, and later on, we were eating for the sack of hungry only, until we couldn stand that spaghetti anymore.
and taste of bacon was so strong.
So disappointed for not having yummy food when i were at KL

Something to cheer us up!

wonder right haha, we got all of these in sg why still need to travel all the way to KL ==
This trip wasnt just for shopping ok, we also take it as a road trip, to enjoy, have fun all the way larrrrrrr